20 July 2010

Pop-Up Birthday: Super Secret Project Revealed!

If you follow me on Twitter (I'm anagramforink), or are a friend on Facebook (if you want to friend me and I don't recognize you, I will probably ignore your request, so include a note saying who you are), you might have noticed my notes about the super secret project I was working on last night. Well, it's finished and I can reveal it: a pop-up birthday card for BillyZee, who catches up to me in age today.

Happy birthday, BillyZee!

I originally had a completely different birthday card idea in mind, so it took me a while to get started on it, which is why I was still working on it at the last minute, late last night. In fact, I just completed it as the Boy Himself pulled into the driveway, home from work at about 1:30 am this morning. Phew!

And, in case you couldn't tell, that is a self-portait (though the green hair, giant eyebrows, gappy teeth and bare toes should make it obvious to anyone who's met me).

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